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Theresa White
Theresa White


  • Kundalini Yoga Teacher Trainer

  • CYA-E-RYT 500

  • KRI Kundalini Yoga Level 1 & 2 Practitioner

  • Oxygen Advantage – Advanced Instructor

  • Science of Stretch with Tom Myers

  • Yoga for Youth

  • Radiant Child Yoga, Level 1 & 2

Theresa White is an Kundalini Yoga Teacher Trainer, and an Oxygen Advantage Advanced Instructor. She has been studying Kundalini Yoga since 2001, introducing Kundalini Yoga to Okotoks, Alberta in 2008. Theresa currently lives in Okotoks, Alberta and offers Kundalini Yoga Teacher Trainings in Alberta.



My Story…


My life-long commitment to personal growth, healing and self-development has been a driving force within me to search for truth, meaning and fulfillment in this life. 


During my early twenties I traveled solo to many countries with only a backpack and a deep curiosity to discover other cultures, languages, and most importantly different perspectives about what  brings true joy and fulfillment to people.  I found that simplicity was the backdrop for those who were most content, experiencing love and joy within themselves, and as a community.  The less clutter and things people had, the more joyful they seemed to be!


These experiences set the stage for my journey inward, and a longing to find the connection to my truth and joy.  For the next 6 years I explored various types of healing, energy work and yoga practices. As much as I enjoyed them, I found there was something missing. It wasn’t the modality, it was me… I did not trust myself or the modality to surrender to the experience.  I was overthinking the experience and overly attached to an outcome. How could I find inner-trust and stillness so I could experience what I thought was simplicity and truth? 


My search came to an abrupt halt when I found myself in a Kundalini Yoga class in 2000. In just one class, I knew I was ‘home’.  Even though the practice was like nothing I’d ever done before I knew something profound had taken place for me.  In fact, I thought it was really weird but something much bigger than my judgement knew this contained all the pieces to my puzzle.


The journey of Kundalini Yoga opened me to the ever-changing kaleidoscope of myself.  I found my relationship to my breath, and in turn, the connection to my soul and purpose.  The movements of the asana (Postures) synchronized with the breath unlocked deep, stuck, and stagnant energy lodged in my muscles, fascia and nervous system.  The beautiful sound currents of mantras opened my throat and heart and helped to calm my mind. The wealth of different meditations carried me into the depths of my psyche, gently guiding me to let go of complexities and yes, finally experience simplicity and calm within.


The change in my demeanor and noticeable reduction in my stress levels raised curiosity in my husband so he decided to try the practice as well.  Within 6 months of starting Kundalini Yoga both of us signed up for the Level 1 Teacher Training Program.   It was the best decision I ever made.  The journey launched me into a deeper understanding of myself, my practice and how practical these teachings are in day-to-day life. 


At the same time as the teacher training, my husband and I also jumped into self-development work with an immensely gifted teacher.  I don’t believe in co-incidences.  The Universe presented both these opportunities to me so I could not run away.  If I chose to ‘hide’ from the yoga, then the personal work I was doing would push me back to the yoga and vice versa.  This was the most challenging and rewarding time of my life.  I had to face all those things I’d tidily put away in compartments. Ideas, thoughts, beliefs, and attachments I had so carefully hidden from sight started to claw their way out, resurfacing loudly demanding my attention. 


The yoga and meditation carried me with more grace than I thought I possessed.  The personal work unearthed parts of me I thought I didn’t have courage to face but I did.  I believe the inner strength and courage I found was because this practice of Kundalini Yoga unlocked something very powerful within me:   Courage to be vulnerable.  Accepting a feeling and acknowledging pain is a necessary part of the healing process.  Trust in letting go of the past. Surrendering to the journey rather than focusing on the destination.


Over the years, my personal experience and wisdom gained from my own journey is what I bring into my teaching.  For each of us to be present in life we need to understand and recognize what keeps us from fully participating and showing up for ourselves.  To fully show up, I believe we remain students, always ready to receive a lesson and continue the search to grow and contribute to making this life the best it can possibly be.


My joy in this life it to support others to find their authentic self through this powerful yoga practice.  








Warrior Arts:  Kundalini Yoga. Martial Arts. Functional Alignment.

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